VIDEO. Ukraina un Krievija apmainījušās ar karagūstekņiem: mājās atgriezušies 90 ukraiņi 42
Ukraina un Krievija apmainījušās ar karagūstekņiem, otrdien paziņoja amatpersonas.
Ukraina atbrīvojusi 90 sagūstītus Krievijas karavīrus un arī Krievija atbrīvojusi 90 sagūstītus Ukrainas karavīrus.
Vienošanās par šo gūstekņu apmaiņu tika panākta ar Apvienoto Arābu Emirātu starpniecību (AAE).
Iepriekšējā karagūstekņu apmaiņa starp abām karojošajām pusēm notika maijā, kad katra puse atbrīvoja 75 karagūstekņus. Arī šī apmaiņa notika ar AAE starpniecību.
Kopš Krievijas pilna mēroga iebrukuma Ukrainā abas puses apmainījušās ar karagūstekņiem vairāk nekā 50 reizes.
The joy of 90 Ukrainian prisoners of war is understandable. They were not killed on the way to the exchange by the U.S. Patriot 🇺🇸 like the previous ones, and they will probably even have time to hug their relatives before being sent to Vovchansk and Liptsy for disposal#Ukraine pic.twitter.com/BCj4ycvLG2
— Chronology (@Chronology22) June 25, 2024
🇷🇺🇺🇦 As a result of the negotiation process, 90 Russian servicemen who were in mortal danger in captivity have been returned from territory controlled by the Kiev regime.
In return, 90 prisoners of war of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were handed over.
The freed servicemen… pic.twitter.com/ypu8U1kO5Y
— Emeka Gift Official (@EmekaGift100) June 26, 2024
🇷🇺🇺🇦| The Russian MoD announces a new prisoner exchange with Ukraine in which each side has returned 90 soldiers.
The Ukrainian prisoner of war could not hold back tears when he heard the Ukrainian language pic.twitter.com/ePK6Gh8uFX
— Devana 🇺🇦 (@DevanaUkraine) June 25, 2024
Images from the Ukrainian side.#Ukraine | #Russia pic.twitter.com/i2M08jvEoJ
— South Today (@SouthToday5) June 25, 2024
90 Ukrainian defenders have returned homed in a Russo-Ukrainian POW exchange.
At the same time, 90 Russian prisoners of war got back to Russia. pic.twitter.com/0LuqT88HaS
— BREAKING NEWS: UKRAINE (@MrFukkew) June 25, 2024