Miris ASV eksprezidents Džordžs Bušs vecākais 0
Piektdien 94 gadu vecumā miris bijušais ASV prezidents Džordžs Bušs vecākais, paziņoja viņa ģimene.
“Džebs, Nīls, Doro un es ar skumjām paziņojam, ka pēc 94 izciliem gadiem miris mūsu tēvs,” teikts viņa dēla, eksprezidenta Džordža Buša jaunākā paziņojumā. “Džordžs Bušs bija visaugstākās raudzes vīrs un labākais tēvs, kādu var vēlēties dēls vai meita.”
Bušs miris nepilnu pusgadu pēc savas sievas Barbaras Bušas nāves aprīlī, ar kuru viņi kopā laulībā nodzīvoja 73 gadus.
Bušam ir pieci bērni un 17 mazbērni.
41.ASV prezidents sirga ar Pārkinsona slimību un bija piesaistīts ratiņkrēslam. Viņš pēdējos gados vairākkārt hospitalizēts elpošanas problēmu dēļ.
Bušs vecākais bija ASV prezidents no 1989. līdz 1993.gadam, savukārt viņa dēls Džordžs Bušs jaunākais bija prezidenta amatā no 2001. līdz 2009.gadam.
Learning with sorrow about passing away of the 41th President of the US George H.W. Bush. He was a great friend of Latvia. My condolonces to the Bush family and all American people. #Bush41
— Raimonds Vējonis (@Vejonis) December 1, 2018
Statement from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump on the Passing of Former President George H.W. Bush pic.twitter.com/qxPsp4Ggs7
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 1, 2018
America has lost a patriot and humble servant in George Herbert Walker Bush. While our hearts are heavy today, they are also filled with gratitude. Our thoughts are with the entire Bush family tonight – and all who were inspired by George and Barbara’s example. pic.twitter.com/g9OUPu2pjY
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 1, 2018
Friends, family, and fellow politicians pay tribute to former US President George H.W. Bush, who will be remembered as a World War II combat pilot, Cold War politician and compassionate family man https://t.co/CoQYGjhjFB pic.twitter.com/CSY3NzRTBb
— CNN (@CNN) December 1, 2018
George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, is dead at age 94. In a statement, the Bush family said, “He was a man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for." https://t.co/Ceo4P3yLkh
— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) December 1, 2018
Hillary and I mourn the passing of President George H. W. Bush, and give thanks for his great long life of service, love and friendship. I am grateful for every minute I spent with him and will always hold our friendship as one of my life’s greatest gifts. https://t.co/1CYdrIeKmz
— Bill Clinton (@BillClinton) December 1, 2018