Lietus ne piles. Karsts kā vasarā. Jaunākā laika prognoze reģionam 0
Sinoptiķu jaunākās laika prognozes nākamjai nedēļai sola silta laika saglabāšanos lielākajā daļā Eiropas.
Skandināvijā tiek prognozēts it īpaši silts un sauss laika periods.
Nākamajās 10 dienās maz vai nemaz nokrišņu lielākajā daļā Eiropas rietumu un ziemeļu daļā.
Vienlaikus uz Austrumiem no Eiropas laiks būs vēsāks nekā ierasti šajā gadalaikā.
Staying warm for the foreseeable for much of Europe. Scandinavia in particular could be at the start of quite an exceptional warm and dry episode.
Much cooler for a time in the east… temperatures well below the seasonal average for the likes of Turkey.
— wxcharts (@wxcharts) April 18, 2019
Little or no precipitation at all for large parts of northern and western Europe over the next 10 days…
Latest GFS forecast is in –>
— wxcharts (@wxcharts) April 18, 2019
What a journey! The low pressure which moved over Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia has now reached Scandinavia. It will continue to move further north/northeast and is expected to reach Finland on Friday. Then it heads back to southwest towards the Baltic region. @wxcharts
— Kairo Kiitsak (@kairokiitsak) April 16, 2019