Foto: Elizabetes Sagānas un Džeimsa Trevino Instagram konts.

Grāmatu mīļotāju pāris literāru blogu veido kā mākslas instalācijas 0

Ir cilvēki, kuriem patīk lasīt mākslas grāmatas, bet ir cilvēki, kuri no grāmatām veido mākslu. Pēdējais kategorijai pieskaitāmi Elizabete Sagāna un Džeimss Trevino – abi draugi veido instalācijas no grāmatām un publicē tās savos Instagram kontos.

11 bēru tradīcijas un noteikumi, kas jāievēro, lai godam pavadītu aizgājēju
Putins jau sācis plaša mēroga karu pret Eiropu, taču Rietumi baidās to atzīt
Skorpions – 19. novembris, Strēlnieks – 24. jūlijs: laimīgākā diena 2025. gadā katrai zodiaka zīmei
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Elizabetes Instagram kontam šobrīd ir 101 000 sekotāju, Džeimsa – 198 000. Abu instalācijās ir atrodami gan fantāzijas literatūras, gan klasiskās mākslas un mitoloģijas inspirēti tēli, gan arī dažādu ikdienas priekšmetu un arhitektūras pieminekļu

Ikvienu instalāciju pavada arī mini blogs, ļaujot ieskatīties Elizabetes Sagānas un Džeimsa Trevino izlasītajās grāmatās un domās par literatūru, rakstniekiem, dzīvi kopumā.

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••• ACCIO GIVEAWAY ••• ? For this awesome Giveaway I partnered up (Ad) with the guys at @funidelia. Their huge online store has anything a geek could dream of: all sorts of costumes (like this Harry Potter robe and tie that I’m wearing, perfect for the Halloween), backpacks, mugs, funkos, notebooks, toys, makeup, helmets etc. All our favorite brands are represented: Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Pokemon, Nintendo, Adventure Time, Scooby-Doo, Lord of the Rings, Disney/Disney Princesses, Dragon Ball, Naruto and many others. If you are still wondering what you’ll be wearing this Halloween, you should definitely check them out. ? So we are giving away 2 GIFT CARDS of 100 EURO each that you and the person you tagged in the comments (!!!) can use to buy anything you want from their online store. ? TO ENTER: 1. FOLLOW @funidelia and @elizabeth_sagan 2. LIKE this pic 3. TAG 3 friends in the comments below (in separate comments please) ? If you win, but you tagged more than 1 friend in your comment, the first person tagged will be the one who will receive the second gift card (so make your other 2 friends a favour and use separate comments :)) ) ? The Giveaway ends Tuesday, October 23th at midnight EST. The winner will be announced on Wednesday, October 24th, at 2PM EST by random draw. ? This giveaway is in no way associated with Instagram. ? GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! ? #funidelia #halloween #harrypotter #potterhead #giveaway #hogwarts #jkrowling #rowling #dumbledore #grindelwald #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #thecrimesofgrindelwald #pottermore #wizardingworldofharrypotter #hermione #starwars #pokemon #marvel #dc #lotr #disney #naruto #bookstagram #instabook #igread

A post shared by Elizardbirth (@elizabeth_sagan) on

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What is a thing you love to do other than reading. How did that passion start? ? This will be a mini life update so if you are not interested in that it’s totally ok. Today I started gym again after almost 2 months of break. Almost. And it was amazing. Even if I mostly put body issues behind me, taking long breaks from gym still messes with my head. I feel so guilty to the point where I can’t enjoy anything. I feel lazy and unproductive. So getting back was awesome. It is actually a new gym with a new trainer because I felt I didn’t get the results I wanted at the old place. So here’s to future gains. Also, I decided to start being a bit more strict with what I am eating because I eat sooo bad lately. Besides it being bad to my health, my abs are totally gone LOL. First word problems basically. ? What this means is that I had a good MONDAY so something is definitely wrong with the universe… again. Hope your day was as good as mine? And if not, coffee power activate! Stay funny, guys! ? P. S. – This is the last day when you can enter our SHADOWHUNTERS GIVEAWAY. Don’t miss out!

A post shared by James Trevino (@james_trevino) on

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