People hold a banner, reading “Not in our name” and the same in Basque, on January 10, 2015 during a march of some 20,000 people against terrorism in the southwestern French city of Bayonne in tribute to 17 victims of a three-day Islamist killing spree. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said that around 700,000 people have poured out onto the streets of France on January 10 to pay tribute to the victims of terror. Fears remained acute and security levels were kept at France’s highest level as the girlfriend of one of three gunmen killed in a fiery climax to twin hostage dramas on January 9 was still on the loose.  AFP PHOTO / GAIZKA IROZ
People hold a banner, reading “Not in our name” and the same in Basque, on January 10, 2015 during a march of some 20,000 people against terrorism in the southwestern French city of Bayonne in tribute to 17 victims of a three-day Islamist killing spree. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said that around 700,000 people have poured out onto the streets of France on January 10 to pay tribute to the victims of terror. Fears remained acute and security levels were kept at France’s highest level as the girlfriend of one of three gunmen killed in a fiery climax to twin hostage dramas on January 9 was still on the loose. AFP PHOTO / GAIZKA IROZ

Francijā simtiem tūkstošiem cilvēku protestē pret islāmistu noziegumiem 6

Simtiem tūkstošiem cilvēku visā Francijā sestdien izgājuši ielās, lai protestētu pret islāmistu asiņainajiem noziegumiem un izrādītu cieņu viņu upuriem, ziņo varasiestādes.

Aptumsumu koridors: 10 lietas, kas jāizmet līdz 14. martam, lai izvairītos no neveiksmes 1
Vēsture skarbi tiesās Trampu: ekonomists skaidro, kāpēc konflikts ar Zelenski kaitēs pašām ASV
Kāpēc naktī, ja pēkšņi pamosties, vajadzētu paciesties un neiet uz tualeti, skaidro miega speciālisti 36
Lasīt citas ziņas

Saskaņā ar amatpersonu un aģentūras AFP reportieru sniegtajām ziņām Tulūzā demonstrācijā piedalījušies 80 000 cilvēku, bet 40 000 – Po valsts dienvidos.

Savukārt 30 000 francūžu izgājuši Nantes ielās, bet Nicā – 23 000.


Orleānā Francijas vidienē pulcējušies 22 000 cilvēku, bet Bezansonā austrumos – 20 000.

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