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FOTO, VIDEO. Pasaules slavenības uzsākušas sociālo akciju internetā – paliec mājās kāda cita dēļ! 0

Koronavīrusa izplatības dēļ arī pasaules mēroga slavenības – mūziķi, aktieri, sportisti uzsākuši “mirkļbirku” ar aicinājumu palikt mājās – #IStayHomeFor. Šīs mirkļbirkas autors esot amerikāņu aktieris Kevins Beikons. Viņš ieteicis visiem, kas atrodas pašizolācijā, izvietot savos sociālajos tīklos šo mirkļbirku un pastāstīt, kāpēc viņš ir izlēmis tā rīkoties.

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Aktieris savā publikācijā atzīmējis vairākas slavenības – futbolistu Deividu Bekhemu, dziedātāju Eltonu Džonu, aktrisi Demiju Lovāto un citus savus draugus.

Daudzi aktiera sekotāji, kā arī citas slavenības piebiedrojušās Kevina aicinājumam un izplatījušas tālāk šo mirkļbirku. Spriežot pēc stāstiem, piemēram, Deivids Bekhems mājās palicis savas sievas Viktorijas un bērnu dēļ, bet aktrise Ella Faninga vēlas atbalstīt savu mīļoto vecmāmiņu.


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#IStayHomeFor @kikkosedg! Hey everybody, it’s now so important to stay home and keep our distance from others if you are able. It’s one way we can help prevent the spread of #Coronavirus and save lives. The more of us who can, make it safer for those who can’t. So if you’re home too like me, post a video or photo with a sign like mine, telling who you are staying home for and ask 6 friends to do the same. Post it with the hashtag #IStayHomeFor so I can see and share. The more folks involved, the merrier – We’re all connected by various degrees (Trust me, I know!) I’m kicking it off with @jimmyfallon @eltonjohn @Brandicarlile @kevinhart4real @ddlovato @davidbeckham – but I encourage YOU ALL to join in too! Let’s use this 6 Degree thing to do some good! . . . . #Corona #Coronavirus #StayHome #StaySafe #6Degrees #ThinkingOfYou #SpreadTheWord

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Healthy carriers could be endangering or even causing the deaths of the most vulnerable: people 65 and up and people with underlying conditions. In order to help bring attention, I am joining the #IStayHomeFor campaign. #IStayHomeFor my grandmother, Mary Jane. Who do you stay home for? I nominate: @dakotafanning @nicholashoult @reedmorano @maxminghella @nicolekidman @naomiwatts And please let’s nominate MORE! We can only do this together. Thank you to all the COURAGEOUS healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, takeout/delivery employees, mail and package handlers and many others on the frontlines risking their safety and having to spend time away from their loved ones to protect our community. ❤️ You are our heros. #Corona #Coronavirus #IStayHomeFor #StaySafe #6Degrees #ThinkingOfYou #SpreadTheWord

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