Foto: @chessiekingg (Instagram)

Foto: slavena blogere atklājusi, kā izskatās “viltojumi” sociālajos tīklos 0

Amerikāniete Česija Kinga nupat ir kļuvusi par ļoti slavenu Instagram zvaigzni, kā viņai tas izdevies? Viņa parādījusi atšķirību starp “viltotām” sociālo tīklu fotogrāfijām un reālām!

“Rīt būs svarīgs vakars…” Tramps nāk klajā ar brīdinājumu. Kas rīt gaidāms? 31
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Lasīt citas ziņas

Kā apgalvo pati Česija savā Instagram lapā, viņa palīdz sievietēm justies pārliecinātākām par sevi, neskatoties uz to, ka viņu augums nav 90-60-90. Savā blogā meitene jau sen ar fotogrāfijām pierāda, kā var “apmānīt” kameru, izmantojot to vai citu ķermeņa pozu, variējot ar apģerbu izmēriem, kosmētiku un speciālajām fotogrāfiju uzlabošanas aplikācijām, kas mūsdienās pieejamas katrā mobilajā telefonā.

Česija publicē “ideālās” un blakus – reālās fotogrāfijas.


Pati Česija, starp citu, aktīvi nodarbojas ar sportu, ēd veselīgu uzturu, rūpējas par sevi un vienalga, kā viņa pati atzīstas, viņas figūra nav kā no žurnāla vāka, jo viņa ir dzīvs cilvēks, nevis uzlabota fotogrāfija! Viņa aicina sievietes neslēpt savu patieso skaistumu un neslēpties aiz mobilo telefonu aplikācijām, jo “jūs esat tieši tik skaistas, cik esat, jo jūs esat unikālas!”

Pie šīs fotogrāfijas Česija raksta: “Agrāk es ļoti kautrējos no saviem gurniem. Es vilku garu T-kreklu, ja atrados pludmalē. Man arī tagad ir nedaudz bailīgi dalīties ar fotogrāfiju labajā pusē. Taču es patiesi ceru, ka mana atklātība palīdzēs kādai pārstāt kaunēties no sava ķermeņa.”

“BOOTY GOALS” ? “OH MY GOD I WANT YOUR BUM”… you see these kinda comments all over your newsfeed, but would you see those kinda comments on the right photo?! ??‍♀️ Neither of these photos are edited or photoshopped, same bottom just 2 completely different angles. Are you hooked on growing your peach to look like your favourite instagram girl? Have you ever thought maybe they have what I’ve got on the right: the dimples, the uneven cheeks, the bit I like to call the “second booty” (that bit underneath your bottom). I used to be extremely conscious of the back of my legs & if anyone was walking behind me whilst I was in swimwear I’d cover my booty & my legs because I was so embarrassed. I still find it a little bit scary sharing the right photo but I’m in my happy place, stuffing myself with popcorn! ? & if it helps at least one of you to realise it’s OKAY to have imperfections then it was worth me pooing my pants a little. So next time you look in the mirror & see something similar to the right photo, just have a little word with yourself, I gat it too gurlll. You’re not alone ??‍♀️?❤️?

A post shared by C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) on


“Pa kreisi – es, tikko pēc treniņa. Bet pa labi – visi mani draugi, kas pēc aktīva treniņa laikam ir gatavi uzreiz doties uz ballīti…”, Česija raksta pie šīs fotogāfijas.

“Protams, ir arī tādi, kas dabā tieši tā arī izskatās, kā fotogrāfijā labajā pusē. Bet tie, kas strādā ar savu ķermeni, bet nav sasnieguši iedomātos rezultātus, nedrīkst justies sliktāki.”

Smooth skin, peachy booty, small waist, thin thighs… you can have it all in just 30 seconds of editing ??‍♀️ It’s scary how easily & quickly you can change your body on some of these apps. @lydiaxcollins & I had a play round to see how ‘modern day perfect’ we could make me look but still making it look ‘real’. Instagram can be so encouraging & inspiring but it’s also a ‘perfection’ trap 95% of the time & it can be so unhealthy & it still effects me. I want you to be able relate to me & look at my body & know it’s achievable. I want you to see me & know I look exactly the same in real life as I do on here. Yes people work extremely hard for their bodies & some people do look like the right but the rest of us gals should not have to feel like sh?t if we don’t ?? Sending allllll my love to anyone that’s compared themselves to another human today or wished they looked like that person on Instagram. You’re beautiful, in your own unique way ❤️??

A post shared by C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) on

“Man ir nepatīkami domāt, ar ko sastopas mūsdienu pusaudži. Šodien ir tik ļoti daudz nereālu, “izdomātu” fotogrāfiju… Šie izdomātie tēli tik ļoti nospiež to pusaudžu psihi, kas katru dienu skatās uz savu spoguļattēlu un redz tur pavisam kaut ko citu. Mūs it kā mudina izskatīties labāk, nekā mēs esam īstenībā,” – blogere raksta pie šīs fotogrāfijas.

Is Instagram a big reason for depression & mental health problems in young people? The stats say it all but what do YOU think? ? When I was growing up, I only had the ‘perfect’ girls in magazines to look at & even that was an unhealthy comparison. I hate to think what young teenagers are now comparing themselves to; distorted, filtered, photoshopped versions of reality. There has always been a pressure to look good, but what’s scary is that Instagram is accessible all day everyday without any sort of time cap on it or restriction on what you can see apart from the choice of who you’re following. It upsets me so much to think how much this can effect young people’s mental health. Even the most educated still don’t know how easy it is to use photoshop or editing apps. I share so many of these posts but I just want to help as many people as I can find that true friendship with their bodies. – I’ve always been conscious of the back of my legs & refused to wear shorts for most of my teenage years. I thought I was the only one who had a ‘second bum’ ??‍♀️ I see girls beeeehinds on here looking smooooth as a peach which I’m sure they’ve worked hard for but I find it super unrealistic for me personally. The more I’ve shared on here about body confidence (or lack of) the more I realise I’m not alone & the more normal it becomes to look like the right in shorts. – I was speaking to someone about this earlier last week & they said their 12 year old cousin was posting photos on Instagram of her in a bikini & the caption was ‘rate me out of 10’ then another post of her in her underwear, if I get more than 50 likes I’ll send you a DM *winky face*. Instagram can be an amazing place but it can also be very dangerous. – Do you think there should be something on a post, a disclaimer to say the image has been edited/photoshopped? What are your thoughts on protecting young teenagers & preventing them from mental health problems connected with social media? ❤️??

A post shared by C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) on

Pirms un pēc uzkrāsošanās. Pie šīs fotogrāfijas Česija raksta: “Vienu foto tu ievietosi Instagram, bet otru – izdzēsīsi.”

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