FOTO: Megana Mārkla atvaļinājuma laikā Kanādā strādājusi par brīvprātīgo virtuvē bezpajumtnieku patversmē 0

Kļuvis zināms, ka Saseksas hercogi sava atvaļinājuma laikā viesojušies Toronto (Kanāda). Megana Mārkla, neskatoties uz to, ka atrodas atvaļinājumā, apmeklējusi kādu labdarības pasākumu – tā ietvaros ar siltu ēdienu tika pabaroti cilvēki, kuri ikdienā mitinās uz ielas.

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Zināms, ka Meganai Toronto ir ļoti īpaša vieta, jo tieši šeit viņa dzīvoja laikā, kad filmējās kulta seriālā « Ģēnijs uzvalkā », pēc dalības kurā viņa guva pasaules slavu. Tieši no Kanādas bijusī aktrise pārcēlās uz Lielbritāniju, kad jau kļuva par prinča Harija sievu.

Meganas ierašanos šajā labdarības pasākumā atklāja labdarības fonds «Svētais Fēlikss», kas atrodas Kanādā. Hercogiene bija devusies pie viņiem, lai palīdzētu virtuves darbiniekiem. Viņa bija ģērbusies svītrainā T kreklā, sporta jakā un beisbola cepurītē.


«Mēs esam ļoti pateicīgi un lepni, ka mūs apciemoja hercogiene un hercogs. Šajā fotogrāfijā Megana strādā mūsu virtuvē,» – ar fotogrāfiju internetā padalījās aktīvisti.

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We feel very grateful and honoured to have been highlighted by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan Markle, as one of 12 charities doing important work worldwide. ?? This photo has Meghan volunteering in our kitchen! ❤ . The couple said: “With the festive holiday season upon us, it’s also a reminder to reflect on those in need – those who may feel lonely, hungry, homeless, or may be experiencing the holidays for the first time without loved ones. It’s an important time of year to help those around you who may be less fortunate, or who would appreciate even the smallest act of kindness. Continuing our monthly tradition of highlighting accounts that do good, and inspired by the “Twelve Days of Christmas” – we have selected twelve organisations caring for those in need – especially at this time of year.” . Meghan Markle was an active supporter and volunteer of St. Felix Centre during her time living in the city while working on Suits. She volunteered on a regular basis in our kitchen as part of our Community Meals Program. The Duchess also donated food from the set of Suits, and on one Thanksgiving she brought in all the food, turkeys and the fixings for over 100 people. . Through our Twitter account we responded to the announcement: “Thank you! Many people here have fond memories of Duchess Meghan volunteering with us – though we remember her just as ‘the lovely Meghan’. We’re happy to see she continues supporting vulnerable people now as a member of the Royal Family. We’d love for her to visit us again one day.” . Thousands of people have responded to the call to visit our social media platforms, many of them urging people to make a donation to our Lighting the Way Christmas campaign. . Many vulnerable people in our Toronto need your support! If you are planning your holiday giving, please consider making a donation to our Lighting the Way campaign – link in our bio. Your support can make all the difference! . #Toronto #stfelixcentre #homeless #charity #harryandmeghan #sussexroyal #meghanmarkle #volunteer #lovetoronto #blogto #curiocitytoronto #hypetoronto #libertyvillage #queenwest #toreats #tdot #6ixgrams #torontolife #igerstoronto

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Megana kopā ar citiem pagatavoja pusdienas un pabaroja tos cilvēkus, kas ikdienā dzīvo uz ielas un nāk šurp, lai paēstu siltas pusdienas. Aktrise šajā patversmē strādāja kā brīvprātīgā arī tad, kad filmējās slavenajā seriālā un mitinājās Toronto. Tolaik viņa reiz esot atvedusi uz patversmi tītaru un citus produktus Pateicības dienai, ar ko varēja pabarot vairāk kā 100 cilvēkus.

«Daudziem šeit ir ļoti patīkamas atmiņas par laiku, kad Megana šeit strādāja un mēs viņu atceramies vienkārši kā «lielisko Meganu». Mēs bijām ļoti iepriecināti satikt viņu atkal un priecājamies, ka viņa turpina darīt to, ko darījusi vienmēr – rūpējas par citiem arī tagad, kad ir karaliskās ģimenes locekle,» – teikts paziņojumā.

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Spotlight on: The Hubb Community Kitchen It was just one year ago that The Duchess of Sussex made a special visit to the women of The Hubb Community Kitchen to help prepare meals for those in need. The connection between The Duchess and these women began a year prior, as she supported them in the creation of “Together”, a charity cookbook which celebrates the power of cooking to bring communities together. The cookbook showcases recipes from women whose community was affected by the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire in London. Their incredible stories and personal recipes placed “Together” on The New York Times Bestseller List and The Sunday Times Booklist. Today, the women at the Hubb Community Kitchen continue to have a positive impact in their community, across the UK, and around the world. Whether it’s providing a safe space for women and children to come for a hot meal, supporting local schools, serving free lunches to senior citizens, partnering with the Red Cross to provide lunches for refugees, or feeding the homeless – the Hubb helps and heals through their support and sustenance. Thank you, ladies, for the leadership and inspiration that your cooking and love of community brings to all those around you. We remain so very proud of the good work that you continue to do, and cannot wait to see what 2020 brings! Photo © PA / Hubb Kitchen / Jenny Zarin

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