Foto: ekrānšāviņš instagram/Carrie Dragshaw

FOTO: kā dažu stundu laikā iekarot pasaules slavu – pārsteidzošais Kerijas Bredšovas dubultnieks Kerijs Dregšovs 0

Brīdī, kad 32 gadus vecais Instagram blogeris Dans Klajs (Dan Clay) nomainīja savus Instagram profila iestatījumus no privāta uz publisku, sociālo tīklu pasauli satricināja fotogrāfijas, kurās amerikānis redzams tērpies gluži kā seriāla Sekss un lielpilsēta galvenā varone Kerija Bredšova.

VIDEO. Tramps nomaina Ovālā kabineta galdu dažas dienas pēc tam, kad Īlona Maska dēls iemūžināts uz tā atstājam “dāvanu” 5
Kā krāpnieki zina, kur meklēt cilvēkus ar vairākiem tūkstošiem kontā – vai banku dati kaut kur noplūst? Atbild eksperti
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It can be hard out there for a single girl, but there are a few words that provide instant comfort: “Vogue September Issue,” “2-for-1 Cosmopolitans,” “Manolo Blahnik Sample Sale,” and “Perfect First Date Follow-Up.” PFDFU. It’s flirty and funny. Easy, breezy, and cool. He’s clearly into it and you’re like a pair of purple control top pantyhose: fun and holding it all together. It takes you right back to that perfect first date, when the conversation flowed effortlessly, the spark lit instantly, and the first kiss felt like fate. As you flirt on the phone, you float on a cloud that seems to sparkle from the inside, and for a moment you forget your baggage, you forget your past, you forget how many times you’ve felt this feeling before but it failed to last…and you smile. I couldn’t help but wonder: Maybe love is like a mobile phone. When you have a good connection, you’ve just got to keep talking and hope for the best. #CarrieDragshaw

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Tikai dažu stundu laikā viņš iemantoja pasaulīgu popularitāti. Viņa fotogrāfijas pārpublicējušas ietekmīgākās Sekss un lielpilsēta fanu lapas. Tajā skaitā arī pati aktrise Sāra Džesika Pārkere, kura seriālā atveido Kerijas lomu – viņa publicējusi komentāru, kurā pauž savu sajūsmu par redzēto.

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▶️?▶️ Christmas is always a time of reflection, even if the only Christian I know is Dior. Later that day I got to thinking about 2017. Some years make you want to sing “Hallelujah.” But others make you want to Wreck the Halls as you contemplate your Jingle Hell, asking Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole the Entire Year. In 2017, the star of wonder seemed to blow a fuse. All the Wise Men turned out to be creeps and every headline felt like Santa in reverse: the good boys and girls got a fresh lump of coal. But as I reflected on what actually brought Joy to My World, I couldn’t help but wonder: Do you really need a Santa when you’ve got a Miranda? Do you need a Claus when you’ve got a York? Do you need St. Nick when you’ve got Sam Jones? Maybe women in New York didn’t need to wait for some big man to bring them their presents. Maybe we could make our own. Who needs Rudolph when you’ve got Christian the Red-Soled Footgear? Oh Little Town of Manhattan, I love you so much I could scream: Now Barney’s! Now Blahnik! Now Prada, and Lanvin! On Fendi! On Gucci! On Chloe, and Calvin! In life, you can’t always change the entire forest, but you can always spruce up your spruce. So that night, I donned my gayest apparel and made my own Miracle on 34th Street. Because some girls don’t need Santa to slay. #CarrieDragshaw

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Amerikānis Dans, kura ikdienas darbs līdzīgs seriāla varones Mirandas pienākumiem – stratēģisko inovāciju konsultants Ņujorkā, ir bijis liels seriāla fans līdz pat koledžas laikiem. Bet studiju laikā viņš sācis izlikties, ka ienīst šo HBO seriālu, jo meitenes nākušas pie Klaja, lai kopā ar viņu skatītos seriālu.

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Meanwhile downtown, even New York wasn’t too cynical to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Love was in the air. And I felt like I was trapped in a tornado. As the debris of failed relationships swirled around my mind, I started thinking about all the ways we celebrate couples. Engagement parties. Anniversaries. Weddings. Bridal Showers. They say, “Love is all you need.” Then why did brides need so many presents? At least on Valentine’s Day, you just had to look at all the happy couples, not buy them anything. As I looked around at all the lovers, they made love look so easy. I couldn’t help but wonder: Why was it so hard for me? Would I ever put the “me” in monogamy? Did everyone find love? Or did some of us just keep searching forever, eating half-priced Valentine’s chocolates as we wilted like leftover roses. When you had no sweetheart, did you deserve to be bitter? Or maybe, instead of falling apart, I could fall in love…with myself. Maybe instead of waiting for love, I could make my own. I could buy my own flowers, buy my own jewelry, be my own Valentine—even write my own love poems. “How do I love thee?” No. “How do I love me. Let me count the ways…” This year, I said “goodbye” to Saint Valentine and “thank you” to Saint Valentino. “Shall I compare me to a summer’s day?” Maybe I shall. Because even when the light of love’s gone dark, some girls, we make our own sunshine #CarrieDragshaw ________ Picture taken by the fabulous @charlieengman ?? ________ Happy Valentine’s Day you beautiful people. And if you don’t have a Valentine, you do now! Sending lots of love ?

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Tagad, kad amerikānis ir atzinies pats sev un citiem, ka ir homoseksuāls, viņš arī apgalvo, ka ir turpat vai miris no vēlmes ģērbties precīzi kā Kerija Bredšova seriālā. Lai apģērbs būtu pēc iespējas līdzīgāks tam, kāds bija Kerijai seriāla filmēšanas laikā, Dans ir atradis interneta veikalu, kurā iespējams iegādāties dizaineres Patrīcijas Fildas apģērbus. Jāatzīmē, ka tieši Patrīcija bija leģendārā seriāla galvenā dizainere.

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In life, it’s not always easy to tell dreams from reality. Sometimes you’re dreaming and it feels like you’re there, and sometimes you’re there and it feels like a dream. Sometimes fiction is so real it feels like life, and sometimes life is so farfetched it feels like you’re watching a fairytale. I couldn’t help but wonder: In matters of the heart, are we ever really in charge? Or are we destined to just Watch What Happens, Live? Maybe when you can’t believe your eyes…you have to trust your heart. After all, we so often live in our heads, but maybe we dream with our hearts. And days feel unreal when you’re dancing to the beat of love. In dreams, we get to fly through cities, and float through clouds, and walk through walls. We get to meet a queen, and maybe even become one. But I had a thought: Why wait to fall asleep before you try to fly? And why wait to die before you get to heaven? Maybe if you follow your heart, you can dream yourself awake. Dream big, dream little, dream quiet, dream loud, dream in, dream out, dream early, dream late—but whatever you do, dream. #CarrieDragshaw

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Dans dzīvo tikai dažus kvartālus no Bredšovas slavenā dzīvokļa seriālā, tāpēc viņš to izmantojis, lai radītu ikoniskas fotogrāfijas, kurās amerikānis redzams atdarinot aktrisi Sāru Džesiku Pārkeri.
Jāatzīst, viņam tas ļoti labi izdevies.

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Carrie’s L.A. Odyssey (The Final Day) ?Life isn’t all just palm trees and porn stars, but it turns out you can feel Califortunate no matter what state you’re in. So maybe life’s greatest voyage isn’t about going somewhere new, but seeing the same place–or person–with new eyes. As I left Los Angeles, I realized: Whether it’s distance or time, no matter how far you travel, you end up running into yourself. In a way, you’re always living in your own head. And if you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere. #CarrieDragshaw #TheEnd ??☀️⛱? I had an incredible time in L.A. and I really really hoped you enjoyed the series! HUGE thank you to @thestandard for having the idea, setting us up and taking such great care of a very nervous drag queen. Also, Carrie got lotsa perks so to level out her give & take with the universe we’ve made a donation to the LA LGBT Center (@lalgbtcenter) in grateful appreciation for this great city ❤️ See you soon LA. Next time Playboy Mansion? Or Matthew McConaughey’s office? ? But first, we finish this cigarette in New York.

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Carrie’s L.A. Odyssey (Day 4 of 7) ?As I gazed out over the balcony of the same room 322 I visited in 2000, I couldn’t help but wonder: In life, do we just keep taking the same trips over and over again? Making a wrong turn onto memory lane instead of merging onto the open road of the life we want? If life is a highway, was I stuck in L.A. traffic? Shakespeare sent Juliet out to the balcony to find love. But that didn’t end very well. Were we forgetting the real lesson of Romeo & Juliet: Sometimes it’s better to be single. Looking out at the L.A. skyline, I started thinking about light. Some lights we see with our eyes, but the most important ones switch on in our heads. Isn’t it funny that sometimes the biggest change in your life is simply an insight, an awareness, a new way of looking at things—the moment when you see the light. And you see life differently as a result, and you wonder if everything you’ve been wondering about isn’t really that important, if everything you’ve been worried about isn’t really that scary, and maybe, just maybe, you already have what it takes to be happy. Even flashy cities can get pretty dark sometimes, but the thing about darkness is: it can’t survive in the light. So maybe it was time to let it shine…. TO BE CONTINUED #CarrieDragshaw ????? Go to @thestandard now to see the rest of our epic LA Adventure!! And tune in tomorrow to watch it unfold here. And HUGE thank you to @thestandard for setting Carrie Dragshaw up with this epic opportunity. This is beyond the beyonds for me and I’m so grateful

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Carrie’s L.A. Odyssey (Day 3 of 7) ? There’s an old saying: “Time waits for no man.” So why did I wait for so many? As I took another puff of my contraband cigarette, I started thinking about 17 years of wading in the shallow end of love, waiting for a man to notice me, flatter me, to love me deeper, to hold me tighter, or to at least pull me into the deep end. When you’re young, you dream of romantic strolls on the beach. But real life seems more like swimming laps in the dating pool. Was I the Michael Phelps of failed relationships, getting in shape just for a breast stroke and a little mouth to mouth? Falling in love with the wrong man is like jumping from the high dive into a kiddie pool. So why did so many of us climb back up the ladder to dive again? Was I just another Captain Gayhab on the hunt for Moby Dick? In life, the past can be an anchor holding us back. But maybe, if we pay attention to its lessons, the past is more like the wind—slowing us down if we fight against it, but pushing us forward if we put it behind us. Sometimes us single girls just need to change direction to get the wind in our sails. … TO BE CONTINUED #CarrieDragshaw

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