Foto: butterflyjasmine49 (Instagram)

Foto: jauns un šokējošs trends – make-up ar kukaiņiem! 0

Parasti sievietes uz dažādiem kukaiņiem, spārēm un rāpuļiem reaģē visai saasināti, tajā pat laikā kāda vizāžiste Jasmīna Ahumeda savā Instagram publicējusi savus meistardarbus – viņa kā grima elementu izmanto dažādus kukaiņus. Jāteic, tas izskatās gana iespaidīgi, bet vai tu būtu gatava kam tādam?

Sarunas Saūda Arābijā: atklāts, ko Ukraina piedāvās ASV, lai tās atjaunotu militāro palīdzību un atsāktu izlūkošanas datu apmaiņu
Pasaules gals ir tuvāk, nekā domājām: Vatikāna slepenajos arhīvos atrasta sena grāmata, kurā minēts gads, kad pienāks pastarā diena
Ko ēst, lai ātrāk zaudētu svaru: 6 produkti, kurus savā ēdienkartē iesaka iekļaut uztura speciālisti
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Jasmīna atklājusi, ka izmanto beigtus kukaiņus, zirnekļus, simtkājīšus, tārpus un citus. Kādā no saviem grimiem viņa izmantojusi arī tarantulu.

‼️REAL MILLIPEDE‼️ Millipede SOURCE: Found locally(Already dead) FUN FACTS: Millipedes do not have a thousand legs. A hatchling is born with only three pairs of legs and can grow up to 200 as an adult. They have two pairs of legs per body segment. Millipedes are some of the oldest creatures to walk on land. Fossilized evidence show that a millipede-like creature was one of the first and largest invertebrates to walk on land at six feet long and one and a half feet wide. Products Used @bennyemakeup Fresh Scab blood @duoadhesive and red yarn. Lashes from Amazon. ????????? #eyeart #facechart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #nature #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #tattooideas #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #millipede #worms #bloody #gross #editorial

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Tiem, kas vēlas atkārtot Jasmīnas grimu, viņa brīdina, ka pats galvenais ir ideāla tīrība. Vizāžiste darījusi zināmu, ka vissvarīgākais ir radīt starp ādu un kukaini barjeru, kas neļauj saskarties ar to. Viņa bieži izmanto “dārgkakmeņus” un citus aksesuārus, ko bieži lieto mākslīgo skropstu dizainam. Kukaiņus viņa piestiprina ar mākslīgo skropstu līmi.

‼️REAL BEE‼️ Carpenter Bee SOURCE: Etsy shop: insectartzone FUN FACTS: The female is capable of stinging but seldom does so unless she is provoked or handled. The males do not sting. Large carpenter bees excavate dry, unpainted and weathered wooden objects. ????????? Products Used @wetnwildbeauty liquid liner in Gunmetal and lashes in Mysterious. @makeupgeekcosmetics shadows. Eyebrow is made of aluminum foil. Eye color edited. ????????? #eyeart #facechart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #nature #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #tattooideas #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #bee #carpenterbee #winged #colorfulmakeup

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Bet visvairāk Jasmīna lūdz, lai pret kukaiņiem un citiem mazajiem dzīvniekiem cilvēki izturētos humāni, kad tiek meklēti grima “palīglīdzekļi”. Viņa apgalvo, ka nekad nav nositusi vai kā citādi nodarījusi pāri kaut vienam kukainim, lai to izmantotu grimā, bet meklējusi tos zoo veikalos, kur mirušie kukaiņi bieži tiek pārdoti kā citu dzīvnieku barība.

‼️REAL BEE‼️ Bumblebee SOURCE: Found and sent to me from @ignitedbeauty FUN FACTS: Many bumblebees are listed as endangered, vulnerable or near threatened. Bumblebees are larger than honey bees and generate more heat. This allows them to work during cooler weather. Bumblebees don’t die when they sting. This is trait found in honey bees. Bees are covered in an oil that makes them waterproof. Queens shiver to warm up and keep eggs toasty. ???????? Products Used @nyxcosmetics brow gel in blonde. @lasplashcosmetics purple body art liner. Flowers found in my yard and dried ones from @hobbylobby ???????? #eyeart #facechart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #nature #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #tattooideas #macrophotography #eyemake #flowersandmacro #flowersofinstagram #bumblebee

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‼️REAL INSECT‼️ Cicada Nymph(Exoskeleton) SOURCE: Found by @ignitedbeauty and sent to me(best friend ever!) FUN FACTS: Cicada nymphs spend a year or more(often 10+ years) underground feeding on tree roots. When they are ready to emerge as adults, they dig out of the ground, crawl up onto a tree or the side of a building, and shed their exoskeleton for the last time. ???????? @sigmabeauty Warm Neutrals palette. Lashes from Amazon. Dried pepper, leaf under the eye, and little dried strawberries come from my garden. ???????? #eyemakeup #eyeshadow #sigmabeauty #amazon #cicada #cicadanymph #nymphs #chilipepper #insectagram #driedflowers #fall #strawberries #artisticmakeup #artistic #editorialmakeup #editorial #lashes #blueeyes #creativemakeup #brows #haloeye #smokeyeye #disgusting #scary #fearofbugs #bugs #triggerwarning #creepy #creepycrawlies

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‼️REAL BUTTERFLY‼️ Monarch Butterfly SOURCE: Etsy shop: BicbugsLLC FUN FACTS: Monarch butterflies store a poison called Cardiac Glycosides that they had ingested by feeding on the leaves of the milkweed foliage in their larva stage. These are sometimes harmful to its vertebrate predators, but ineffective on invertebrate predators. The toxic effect on vertebrates however, depends on the level of intake. These toxins provide these butterflies with a poisonous defense against its predators such as lizards, birds, and frogs. They have a broad spectrum  perception of colors and can see even the UV light that humans cannot. ????????? Products Used @mehronmakeup paradise paints. @colouredcontactsuk Orange werewolf lens. ????????? #eyeart #facechart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #nature #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #tattooideas #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #butterfly #monarch #monarchbutterfly #artporn

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‼️REAL INSECTS‼️ Fly VS Crane Fly SOURCE: Found them locally. FUN FACTS: CRANE FLY As adults, crane flies usually do not eat but may feed on nectar. They never bite humans. Crane fly species that spend certain stages of their life cycles burrowed in the moist soil serve as prey for land animals such as spiders, centipedes, and predatory beetles. The appearance of the abdomen can be used to determine the sex of the crane fly. Females have pointy abdomens, while those of males are blunt. FLY: Female house fly lays an average of 120 eggs at a time. Scientists once calculated what would happen if a single pair of flies were able to reproduce without limits or mortality to their offspring.The result? Those two flies, in just 5 months' time, would produce 191,010,000,000,000,000,000 house flies, enough to cover the planet several meters deep. ???????? Products Used @maccosmetics new #macpatrickstarrr Me So Fleek collection shadows in Hickie and In The Shadows. @suvabeauty hydraliner in Scrunchie. Embellishments from eBay Lashes @amazon ???????? #fly #housefly#cranefly #suvabeauty #maccosmetics #pearls #haloeye #eyeart #avantgardemakeup #messy #makeupinspiration #makeupideas

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