Kosovo Albanians work on the newly constructed Eco House near the village of Prapashtica on September 14, 2014. Volunteers from all around Kosovo are giving their help on building the first Eco friendly houses of this kind in the region , a project initiated and supported by local and international crew with the aim of promoting rural tourism and eco friendly system of living. The houses are built at an altitude of 1000 metres in the village of Prapashtica.
Kosovo Albanians work on the newly constructed Eco House near the village of Prapashtica on September 14, 2014. Volunteers from all around Kosovo are giving their help on building the first Eco friendly houses of this kind in the region , a project initiated and supported by local and international crew with the aim of promoting rural tourism and eco friendly system of living. The houses are built at an altitude of 1000 metres in the village of Prapashtica.

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Ekociematu kustība, kas aizsākās ar “Camphill” ciematu kopienām Rietumeiropā, plašāk attīstījās 60. – 70. gados Eiropā,  Indijā, ASV.

Brīdina cilvēkus par briesmu tuvošanos: pludmalē izskalota leģendām apvītā milzu zivs – katastrofu vēstnese. Kam gatavoties?
Pilnīga neveiksme! Eksperti nosaukuši 7 automašīnas, kuras kalpo uz pusi īsāku laiku nekā citas 15
FOTO. Anna Sedokova 40 dienas pēc Jāņa Timmas nāves uzvīd TV ekrānos; viņas tērpa izvēle liek ieplest acis
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Vēl vienu vilni, Krievijas ekociematu idejas tēva Vladimira Megres grāmatu iedvesmoti, piedzīvoja 90. gadu vidū pašā Krievijā, Baltkrievijā, Eiropas valstīs, Austrijā un ASV.

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